Contribute to Targoman/TextProcessor development by creating an account on GitHub ... Files. main. Breadcrumbs. TextProcessor; /libsrc; /conf; /SpellCorrectors; / ...
Missing: متروپل ونک? q= Nouns.
An accurate scrapper to scrape popular persian websites, mostly intended to be used as a tool to create large corpora for Persian language. TypeScript 21 LGPL- ...
Missing: متروپل ونک? q= TextProcessor/ blob/ main/ libsrc/ conf/ SpellCorrectors/ Nouns. tbl
Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python. - fairseq/examples/translation/README.md at main · facebookresearch/fairseq.
Missing: متروپل ونک? q= https:// Targoman/ TextProcessor/ libsrc/ conf/ SpellCorrectors/ Persian/ Nouns. tbl